We had a Calagator code sprint this weekend at Recent Changes Camp, an unconference about wikis and related topics. Wikis have strongly influenced our design decisions (all events and venues are freely editable by all users, and changes are tracked so you can see what’s been edited), so it’s very cool to hear Wikipedia editor Steven Walling describe how our support for the Universal Edit Button sold him on Calagator. Listen to him talk about this in a short video recorded during RCC09.

We made good progress at Saturday’s sprint. Perhaps the most exciting bit of news is that Igal’s “with_theming” branch has now been merged into the main code. This means that Calagator now has support for other groups using our software in their own communities, with custom text and styling.

Before this, people had to edit out the Portland-specific parts by hand. There are already users in Sweden and Vancouver, BC running their own Calagator instance, and this update makes the process much easier. We’re working on fleshing out the documentation, but take at look at the theming README to get started.

Other documentation on how to install, use, and contribute to Calagator is available on our Google Code wiki.